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  3. Data Automation / Transaction Management Platforms

How do I share transaction data through an SFTP site?

In order to use this method you will need details from MooveGuru. If you have not received these details please email support@mooveguru.com.  Download FileZilla - https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?platform=win64 Open FileZilla Navigate to File --> Site Manager Once Site Manager is open click on “New site” Name your new site Insert the data below in the fields on the right side of the "Site Manager" Protocol = Select SFTP- SSH File Transfer Protocol Host = Logon Type= Key file User= provided by MooveGuru Keyfile- provided by MooveGuru- Make sure you save the key file provided (.ppk file) to your computer. Click “Browse” and navigate to the location you saved the file Click “Connect” Once the above process is done all you have to do is to open FileZilla and load the .csv file (exactly like the attached .csv template with a file name of "MooveGuru MM.DD.YYYY.csv”) each day to the “upload” folder and MooveGuru will process the file each night.