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  3. Data Automation / Transaction Management Platforms

SkySlope Connection to Automate the Program

Automate the program so your clients can take advantage of the free moving discounts and help set up their utilities, you must connect your SkySlope account.

Step 1: Log in to your SkySlope account

Step 2: Click on My Account under the SkySlope menu icon. (make sure you are in your admin/brokerage level account)

Step 3: Once in My Account, click on the Integrations tab.

Step 4: Click the Generate New Key button. An Access Key and a Secret key will be created (you will need this access key and secret in Step 8).


Step 5: Log in to MooveGuru -https://customer.mooveguru.com/login / credentials were provided to you, or you can email support@mooveguru.com for your credentials.

Step 6: Click the “Integration tab” of the customer dashboard. Connection cards will be displayed here.

Step 7: Click the “Connect” button on the Skyslope card to create a connection. The below confirmation popup will appear.

Step 8: Click the “Yes, Connect” button. The Skyslope form will then open to enter credentials.

Step 9: Enter the email, access key, and access secret, and click “submit”. A successful message will be displayed if the connection is made successfully.  

Note- Once the popup goes away, the page is reloaded and the email id will be displayed on the card with the “disconnect“ button.