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  3. Data Automation / Transaction Management Platforms

What do I need to enter in DotLoop for my buyer or seller to be enrolled?

  Please ensure the following are entered in the loop (DotLoop)  in order for us to enroll your buyers and/or sellers in the program. Transaction Type = Purchase (Buyer) the buyer must be listed in the "Buyer Field" the agent must be listed in the "Buying Agent Field" Email Address Phone number Property Address Close Date Loop Status= Under Contract   Transaction Type = Listing (Seller) the seller must be listed in the "Seller Field" the agent must be listed in the "Listing Agent Field" Email Address Property Address Close Date Loop Status= Under Contract   Transaction type must be listed and loop status must be labeled as under contract Visit- dotloops support page at the below link for step by step instructions https://support.dotloop.com/hc/en-us/articles/202789903-View-Details-Page    PURCHASE EXAMPLE:   LISTING EXAMPLE:    In the buyer or seller details on the loop you must enter the highlighted sections. This is where we pull the information from.    For buying agent or listing agent the agent must have a name and email address listed on the loop